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Now I can make this as romantic as possible.”I felt a sudden change in the light levels as we entered their bedroom. It seemed to be much darker here, and the air was warm. I could smell hot bathwater and something flowery. He led me into what I was sure was the bathroom. And then he let go off me and took his hands away from my eyes.The bathroom was coloured by a dingy yellow light on the ceiling, giving the effect that normally chandeliers would. I discovered that this was because you could adjust the brightness of the light. The bathroom was big, as Master Bedrooms’ bathrooms usually were. There was a big circular Jacuzzi in the centre, ringed by little candles whose light was distorted by hot steaming water. The Jacuzzi was filled to the brim with it, clear enough so that you could see to the bottom, littered with rosepetals.“Rosepetals,” I uttered, “Seriously?”“What, don’t you like them?”I looked up at him, a smile coming naturally to my lips. In quite a cheesy way, I through my. Weighs a little less than 11 Stone. 26 years old. 36 E bust. Very curvaceous. Long, black, curly hair, nearly always pouring out from beneath a headscarf. Dark brown eyes. Tends to wear multi-colored, patchwork skirts, a white, off the shoulder peasant blouse, and a vest-like underbust corset. Has a red and white monkey as a familiar.Jaine Castilian: Will’s office assistant and bookkeeper. Born on the Mainland. Formerly an Acolyte of the Magistrate trained to sense people’s motivations and whether they are being honest. Apprentice level at the engraving of Sigils, with a knack for a small number of more powerful rituals, such as the Truthtelling compulsion and a few other protective wards. “Received British” accent. 5 foot 7 inches tall. Weighs slightly less than 9 Stone. 22 years old. 34 C bust. Slender, with long, graceful limbs. Long, straight honey brown hair usually kept up in a neat bun on the back of her head and held in place with a silver stick. Large, bright blue eyes..
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